
On February 14, 2024, a team of leading specialists from the Federation of Practical Athletic All-Arounds of Russia, led by the President of the Federation, the author of the innovative close combat system “Golden Triangle”, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Alexander Shlychkov, held an introductory training in one of the Moscow hospitals for people undergoing treatment and rehabilitation after their injuries. injuries of varying severity.

The program, specially developed by the Federation of Practical Athletic All-around using the Golden Triangle close combat system, is aimed at people with disabilities.

The development of exercise sets is based on the principle of multifunctionality and practicality, which makes it possible to use all body functions, including those necessary for the everyday life of people with disabilities.

The purpose of the event is to assist in the rehabilitation of people with disabilities with maximum efficiency and in the shortest possible time.

During the training, Federation specialists demonstrated a set of rehabilitation exercises that allow you to quickly get back into shape after surgery and injuries of varying severity. Such exercises are aimed at improving the well-being of those involved, as well as solving problems related to the condition of the musculoskeletal system, which allows you to effectively and in a short time improve the quality of life and everyday physical capabilities

Complex for stretching the posterior bundle of the deltoid muscle

Complex for improving articulation of the spine, dividing movements into segments – pelvis, lower back, upper and lower thoracic, cervical spine

Complex No. 1
Preparing joints to work with extreme loads (jiu jitsu technique). Affects the tone of the body, improves overall well-being, develops and strengthens joint capsules and ligaments, gives flexibility and strength
Demonstration of protection and application of the near end of a rattan stick.

Complex No. 1 to improve motor control of joints, restore mobility and range of motion in all three planes

During testing, it became obvious that completing any course of the author’s System generates healthy excitement and shows sustainable positive results. The steady interest on the part of representatives of various age groups and social status is obvious. It was decided to create a new sport – “Practical athletic all-around”. “Interest in this young but dynamically developing sport is growing and we are convinced that the development of the Golden Triangle System in Senegal has great potential,” emphasized the author of the System.

Complex No. 2
Preparing joints to work with extreme loads
(jiu jitsu technique). Affects the tone of the body, improves overall well-being, develops and strengthens joint capsules and ligaments, gives flexibility and strength
Teaching the basic angle of attack with a rattan stick in the event of an attack

Complex No. 2 to improve motor control of joints. Working on each joint separately, restoring mobility and range of motion in all three planes

Our task is to provide assistance to people with disabilities and those who are ready to play sports. There are numerous examples of outstanding athletes who have proven that even with disabilities you can achieve significant heights in sports and in life. This is an excellent incentive for people who have been injured to play sports and quickly return to a full life.
emphasized Alexander Shlychkov

The Federation sets the task of organizing systematic classes using the Golden Triangle System methodology, as well as conducting sports and physical education events for people with disabilities.

It was decided to create special training programs for those injured and with limited capabilities. We will develop special training programs according to the “Golden Triangle” system. We will develop this direction. And we will definitely invite our citizens, after rehabilitation, to study together with our instructors who volunteered to come and show a master class.

We will try to implement all the best developments in this direction. I am sure that the classes will give our citizens an additional opportunity to quickly return to a full active life and, of course, restore their health.
noted Alexander Shlychkov

The set of events organized by the team of the Federation of Practical Athletic All-Arounds received a warm response from the participants. The film shown on the first day left no one indifferent, instilling confidence in their own abilities and stimulating them to actively engage in sports and speedy rehabilitation. The training organized on the second day also made a great impression on the participants, clearly demonstrating the accessibility and versatility of the set of exercises; the program aroused keen interest among the participants.

“One can only admire the fortitude, will to win and thirst for life of these heroic people. Truly strong. Real Alexander Shlychkov