
On March 2, 2023, in Yangon (Myanmar), a meeting and negotiations were held between the director of the ANO DPO “Center for Special Training of DOSAAF of Russia”, candidate of pedagogical sciences, Chairman of the Board of the International Association of Security Experts “G3” Shlychkov A.G. with the Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs, President of the Olympic Committee of the Republic of Myanmar, Mr. Min Thein Zan.

The Minister was informed about the goals and plans of the Center and the desire to establish close cooperation between the youth of our countries.

During the warm welcome provided by the Myanmar side, the common desire to strengthen bilateral ties in the field of Myanmar’s national sport, La Thwei, was emphasized.

Considering that the Center is an educational institution and works with young people, during the meeting an agreement was reached to send a traditional Burmese boxing coach, Lethway, to Russia. This will promote greater involvement of young people in sports and introduce them to the traditional values ​​of our friendly people.

In terms of further development of cooperation, it was decided to establish an annual tournament in traditional Burmese boxing “Lethway” between the teams of our countries.