
On Saturday, December 16, the first specialized military sports club of a fitness format opened in Voronezh under the auspices of DOSAAF Russia. It is located in the basement at the address: st. Moiseeva, 9A. Young people of pre-conscription and conscription age will be able to prepare for military service here.

According to the director of the Special Training Center of DOSAAF Russia, Alexander Shlychkov, at the club Voronezh residents will be able to acquire military-applied skills.

– The very idea of ​​​​creating a club of a new format came to us after two years of work with the Ministry of Defense. Here every person can prepare for military service and for life. In this case, we will get people who can really serve. They won’t worry about getting into a “hot spot” unprepared. They will be able to work with a bayonet knife, a sapper blade, throw a grenade, know self-defense techniques and have medical training,” said Alexander Shlychkov, a martial artist of the Russian Union of Martial Arts, the author of the Golden Triangle close combat system.

At the club you will also be able to practice martial arts, prepare for parachute jumps, and learn how to use small arms.

“We also plan to introduce such a direction as engineering training, so that people know what they will deal with in the army. We will train miners, sappers and drone operators,” noted Alexander Shlychkov.

The club will work not only for adults, but also for children from the age of seven.

– The child will be able to learn how to handle bladed and impact weapons. They will shoot at the shooting range and perceive it as a game. Children should also be able to handle a knife and understand the cutting and piercing properties of this weapon,” said Alexander Shlychkov.

The opening of the club was attended by the President of the Voronezh Regional Wushu Federation, the head of the International Wushu School, Yuri Belov. He emphasized that the club is open not only to athletes, but also to all residents.

– In the context of confrontation with the Western world, the readiness of the population for the difficult years that history opens before us becomes very important. We live in an era of change and see how the situation is changing. All our people, from housewives to retirees, should have the opportunity to improve their fighting skills. Not every citizen has the opportunity to practice martial arts. But what Alexander Shlychkov and his system offer is suitable for any resident,” said Yuri Belov.

After the grand opening of the club, master classes began. At one of them, visitors were taught the technique of accurately throwing knives, axes and a small infantry shovel. In other classes, visitors were shown self-defense techniques and handling small arms.

The first deputy of the Ministry of Physical Education and Sports of the Voronezh Region, Maxim Shlyakhta, took part in the opening ceremony of the club.

– Any undertaking is always important, especially in the conditions in which we now find ourselves. We hope that clubs of this format will unite children and create all the conditions for them to be prepared for military service. And when they are already in the army, they will clearly understand that the time they spent here was not in vain,” said Maxim Shlyakhta.

After the grand opening of the club, master classes began. At one of them, visitors were taught the technique of accurately throwing knives, axes and a small infantry shovel. In other classes, visitors were shown self-defense techniques and handling small arms.

The first deputy of the Ministry of Physical Education and Sports of the Voronezh Region, Maxim Shlyakhta, took part in the opening ceremony of the club.

Source: https://riavrn.ru