
On July 17, the G3 Association held a meeting at the Embassy of the Republic of Guinea. The meeting was attended by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Guinea to the Russian Federation, Mr. Aba Nyankoi, the First Advisor on Economic Affairs, Mr. Idris Kamara and the military attaché, Colonel Alpha Suma from the Guinean side and the Chairman of the Board of the G3 Association, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, author of the Close Combat System «Golden Triangle» Alexander Shlychkov, as well as Advisor for Relations with African Countries Luke Gabriel Ntso.

The main issues on the meeting agenda were:

  1. Discussion of the «Code of Investments» in the Republic of Guinea
  2. Creation of the National Federation of «Practical Athletic All-around» in the Republic of Guinea

The parties exchanged views on creating a favorable environment in the field of establishing bilateral relations between the peoples of the two countries and expressed confidence in its implementation.