
September 9, 2024


Fitness center «Studio of close combat»; Voronezh, Moiseyeva st., 9a (-1 floor) Event starts: 16:45

Event organizers:

  • Voronezh regional public organization «Taekwondo Federation»
  • Charitable Foundation for the Support of People with Disabilities, Strengthening and Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle «Strength of Spirit»
  • Branch of the All-Russian Union of Public Associations “Russian Union of Martial Arts” (Voronezh)
  • International Association of Security Experts «G3»
  • Special training center of DOSAAF of Russia


A chronology of sporting cooperation and Paralympic success.


On September 9, Voronezh will host a ceremony to honor the silver medalist of the Paris Paralympic Games in para-taekwondo, Aliaskhab Ramazanov. Having been under severe sanctions pressure in recent years, deprived of the opportunity to compete in international competitions, our athletes have shown high results at the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris. This is a source of pride for all residents of our country and makes Russia a truly great sports power in the world.