
Alexander Shlychkov – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, martial artist of the Russian Union of Martial Arts, President of the European Association of Traditional Burmese Boxing (Lethwei), President of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Public Organization for the Development of Philippine Martial Arts, member of the Presidium of the Federation of Army Tactical Shooting in Russia, author of the close combat system “Golden Triangle” and a new format of fitness discipline Close combat studio, fifth dan holder in taekwondo (WT).

In Voronezh, under the auspices of DOSAAF Russia, the first specialized military sports club of the fitness format “Close Combat Studio” was opened. Here young people of pre-conscription and conscription age will be trained for military service.

— The very idea of ​​​​creating a club of a new format came to us after two years of work with the Ministry of Defense. Here every person can prepare for military service. In this case, we will get people who can really serve. They won’t worry about getting into a hot spot unprepared. They will be able to work with a bayonet knife, a sapper blade, throw a grenade, know self-defense techniques and have first aid skills, noted at the grand opening the director of the Special Training Center of DOSAAF of Russia, the author of the Golden Triangle close combat system methodology, Alexander Shlychkov.

Universal physical training system

Showing the guests and first visitors the new gyms, Alexander Shlychkov said that traditional forms of physical education are not always able to adequately prepare a person for real challenges. That is why there was a need to develop a universal system of physical training, accessible to all segments of the population.

The main emphasis in the club will be on applied military skills. However, one of the advantages of the new hall is that every student can find a direction to their liking. Here you can practice martial arts, receive initial training in parachute jumping, and learn how to use small arms. The organizers plan to introduce areas such as engineering training and training for UAV operators, so that young people know what they will deal with in the army and can acquire important professional competence.

The president of the regional branch of the Russian Union of Martial Arts (RSBI), Yuri Belov, was present at the opening of the club. He emphasized that the club is open not only to athletes, but also to all residents – men and women, children from the age of seven. Trainers will provide information in a playful, accessible manner for the child, rightly believing that the acquired shooting skills, ability to handle a knife, understanding of the cutting and piercing properties of weapons, and knowledge of self-defense techniques will not be superfluous.

The opening ceremony of the club was attended by the First Deputy Minister of Physical Education and Sports of the Voronezh Region, Maxim Shlyakhta. He noted that any undertaking is always important, especially in modern conditions. And he expressed the hope that clubs of this format will unite the guys and create all the conditions for them to prepare for military service.
After the grand opening of the club, master classes began. At one of them, visitors were taught the technique of accurately throwing knives, axes and a small infantry shovel. In other classes, they showed self-defense techniques and handling small arms.

— In the context of confrontation with the Western world, the readiness of the population for the difficult years that history reveals before us becomes very important. We live in an era of change and see how the situation is changing. All our people, from housewives to retirees, should have the opportunity to improve their fighting skills. Not every citizen has the opportunity to practice martial arts. But what Alexander Shlychkov and his system offers is suitable for any resident
noted the president of the regional branch of RSBI Yuri Belov

Following the path of the Golden Triangle

Based on the results of the joint work of coaches in various types of martial arts and applied sports, sports scientists and experts in the field of safety, a new type of competitive activity was created and introduced – “Practical athletic all-around”. It is this direction that will be implemented in the Voronezh club.

According to Alexander Shlychkov, the development of exercise sets is based on the principle of multifunctionality, practicality (application), which makes it possible to competitively use all body functions, including those necessary for everyday life and the versatile preparation of pre-conscription and conscription-age citizens for military service. Athletic training will be combined with training in close combat combat techniques, safe and skilled handling of firearms and bladed weapons, and first aid.

— As the developer of a new technique, I wanted to create a motor algorithm within which a person learns to defend himself using various martial arts techniques – in order to protect himself and stop the attacker’s aggression. Plus there are the basics of practical medicine and functional cyclic fitness, which allow you to work not with isolated muscle groups, but with muscles that hold balance. A person must be able to maintain dynamic monitoring of his body. And we can teach him this. That is why we see all segments of the population among students, and athletic all-around, I hope, will someday become a mass sport
says Alexander Shlychkov

Practical athletic all-around is sure to be useful to any recruit. In some parts of our army, more attention is paid to drill training than shooting skills.

— If a fighter does not have professional skills and competencies, if he cannot work in a group, if he does not know how to cope with injuries, then he is a bad fighter
concludes Alexander Shlychkov

He himself spent many years of his life mastering techniques and exercises, developing methods and the very philosophy of a new sport. And he began to search for new meanings after he was dismissed from the Armed Forces due to poor health. And at first he tried to find a rehabilitation system that would allow him to compensate for the shortcomings of his physical health. Then he began to study various practices, mostly born in the countries of Southeast Asia – Myanmar, the Philippines. Cognition, study and formation of the new system took seven years.

— In trying to find the right path in this direction, I studied a lot of techniques, tried to compile them and adapt them to my tasks. Many had to be abandoned because I realized that they were more suitable for demonstration purposes than for practical purposes. Such techniques are beautiful, amplitude, but absolutely useless in real combat, says the master

The “Golden Triangle” system was appreciated not only in Russia – a branch of the Special Training Center of DOSAAF Russia will soon open in Senegal.

It is clear that when entering the international level, Alexander Shlychkov also takes into account the racial characteristics of people. It is difficult for small Filipinos to resist large Africans, but knowing their strengths and weaknesses, they can build battle tactics that will lead to victory or minimize injuries.

In the same way, it is difficult for miniature women to resist a man in a real fight, but they will be able to learn how to use weapons and, in a critical situation, save the lives of themselves and their loved ones. By the way, the club has developed special women’s programs that are in high demand.

author Marina KALININA

Published in DOSAAF Bulletin No. 1 (167)
dated January 20, 2024